The Club’s formal meetings take place at Trefonen Village Hall, SY10 9DY, usually the third Thursday in the month, starting at 7.30 pm. There are no meetings in August and December.

Everyone is welcome to attend


January 19th   The Commoners' Gardens    Peter Dunhill

February 9th Members' Annual Lunch The Docks,

February 16th Quiz Night

March 16th A Positive Approach
to a Future Without Peat Richard Cave

April 20th Garden Visiting - Walled
Kitchen Gardens with the Ursula Neil
Wow Factor

May 12th Coach Trip to Malvern
Friday Spring Show

May 18th Silver Foliage Plants Gordon Malt

May 20th Sat Grand Plant Sale
(for club funds)
May 19th Fri Set up for Plant Sale

June 15th The Making of a New John Butcher

July 20th Fabulous Fungi John Scrace
(And Malicious Molds)

September 21st Growing Plants
for Cutting Elin Humphreys

October 19th Shropshire Rivers Peter Lambert

November 16th AGM
Seasonal Refreshments

Photos may be taken at meetings for publicity purposes. Please inform a member of the committee if you do not want to be included on them.