A competition will be held at monthly meetings from March to October inclusive. These are open to all members of the Trefonen Garden Club, and it is hoped that you will be inspired to enter.
- Bring along a plant grown in a pot, a vase of any size of flowers and/or foliage, display of fruit or vegetables that you have grown or nurtured for a good while. One vote per person.
- There will be a separate table for the exhibits. Put your name, on a slip of paper or card, face down under your exhibit, along with a container in front for the coins.
- Voting is open to everyone who attends the meeting, by placing a coin from as little as 1p, in the container in front of the exhibit that you consider is the best out of those displayed. One vote per person
- Before the evening closes the greatest number of coins (not value) in one of the containers, is the winner (3points) with 2nd (2points) and 3rd (1 point)) being awarded to each of the next highest number of coins. The winners are then announced and noted at the next meeting. All monies collected will go to the club.
- Records of the winner, plus 2nd and 3rd places each month will be kept. The person at the AGM in November who has gained the greatest number of points over the year will be awarded a prize. There will also be a prize for the exhibit of the year,i.e. the single exhibit which received the most coins overall during the year.
- So the more months you enter the greater the chance of being the overall winner. The more entries there are the greater the fun. Don’t be shy in bringing something along, you never know you might win
Here are some examples of items to bring. The item doesn’t necessarily have to be pretty and/or colourful. It may demonstrate a gardening technique or something quirky, like misshapen produce. It will also be an opportunity to share your gardening experiences once the competition is over.