Preparations for the sale start long before the day. Probably the first mention is in the previous autumn, when members are reminded when splitting perennials of the forthcoming sale the following Spring. This year Dave Lloyd also took advantage of sweet pea seeds that were being sold off cheap in the autumn, and packets of these were distributed to several willing volunteers for them to sow the seeds early in 2016 ready for the sale.
Committee members discussed the various arrangements at their meetings throughout the year. One of the first tasks is to book the village for the agreed date. It was also decided to sell cakes again with the tea and coffee, as the biscuits had been seen as a poor replacement by many people. By early May the main plans were in place with the relevant committee members, plus additional helpers, knowing what their jobs were. Other members stepped in later to “man” the stalls or help with refreshments. It almost felt like a well-oiled machine, but as usual Jeannette, was leaving nothing to chance.
The main activities started on the Friday, with plants being collected from David Tomlinson, who has continued to allow the club to sell these for him and but keep the profit. The tables were erected and covered in plastic. Then came the difficult task of pricing the plants. There is never consensus, but in the end all the various plants brought tin by members were at last were sited. Within just over an hour the hall turned from a virtually empty space into a temporary garden centre. Most plants were priced at 50p-£2.00, with the larger and rarer specimens being individually priced.
The day dawned bright and sunny and as usual people started queuing well before the 10a.m. opening time. Within minutes of opening the hall was full of people, asking questions, buying plants and generally trying to bag a bargain. Bags were an issue now that these are not readily available in the shops, However regular attendees tend to bring their own bags and boxes. Within an hour it was almost over and many of the tables were bare. A few plants were sold at half price towards the end. What was left was given to the charity working for the restoration of the walled garden at Chirk.
Within a few hours we were informed by Jeremy, our Hon. Treasurer that again we had made several hundred pounds which would help us to fund our speakers for the coming year and subsidise other club activities and deemed appropriate.
Members were told of the outcome at the June meeting and Jeannette thanked every-one for their various contributions-with a reminder that the plan was to do it all again next year.
The Setup (Click any photo for a full page image)
The Event (Click any photo for a full page image)